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School Procedures


If your child will be late or absent, please call the nurse,

Mrs. Joyce Andreski
(908) 647-2313 ext. 1123 as soon as possible.

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures:

When dropping off or picking up a child, please do not use the driveway in front of the building, they are only for buses. All vehicles must enter the school from the west side of the building and go around. Traffic will move one way around to the back of the building.

All drop-offs and pick-ups will be on the East side of the building. Parents should pull up to the top of the drop off zone. All students should exit or enter cars from the sidewalk. There is no parking along the car line. Parents should remain in their cars to keep the flow of traffic moving and to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Please have your child's name in the front windshield of your car so we are able to read it.

Students dropped off in the drop-off zone will proceed up the stairs to the side of the school and go to their classroom.

All car riders and/or walkers will be dismissed by their teacher out the east side door when the bell rings at 3:05PM.

If you need to walk your child into school, please park in a parking spot of the school, not in the car line, not in the bus line and not in the Senior Center.

Students are not to be dropped off before 8:45 AM. Students arriving after 9:00 AM when the bell rings, will be marked tardy.

School doors are locked at 9:00 AM. If arriving after this time, please enter through the front door and come to the Main Office to sign your child in.

Preschool Arrival/Dismissal Procedures:

Drop off is at 8:45am - Please park in a parking spot on the west side of the school and walk your child to the preschool door in the front of the school. Do not pull in the center driveway. This area is reserved for busses in the morning.

Pick up is at 3:10PM  - Please park along the curb in the center driveway of the school, near the preschool door and greet your child at the door.

Change in Dismissals:

If you must pick up your child early, or your child's dismissal routine is different, send a note to the teacher. The note should be on a fairly large sheet of paper, not a POST IT note. When you arrive to pick up your child, come to the Main Office and we will call for your child. Do not go to the classroom, as this will disrupt instruction.

* Please do not leave messages for pick-ups or absences on a teacher's voice mail or e-mail as it may not be checked until the end of the school day.


The following guidelines shall govern the service of school volunteers as per Board Policy 1200R:

  • Volunteers may serve only under the direction and supervision of an appropriately certified or licensed staff member;
  • Volunteers should clearly understand their duties and responsibilities and perform no service outside those duties;
  • Volunteers serve only in a support capacity; only appropriately certified or licensed staff members are responsible for educational planning an decisions and the teaching of new concepts;
  • Volunteers shall respect the individuality, dignity, and worth of each child;
  • Volunteers are not permitted to bring other children into the vicinity of the school due to liability reasons to the district during the school day;
  • Volunteers are not permitted access to pupil records;
  • Volunteers should exercise discretion in discussing their school activities with others in the community and must maintain confidential any information that if disclosed would violate Federal and State laws;
  • Volunteers may consult with the Principal regarding their duties and responsibilities; and
  • Volunteers shall receive no financial remuneration from the Board.


Check your child's backpack/folder each day for notices. Check the school website and calendar for important information. Sign up to receive E-Blasts.